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‘The GREEN Lifestyle

The GREEN Lifestyle


We are all ‘Earthlings’, harnessed with strong ‘Earth-Links’, to our ‘Home’, Planet Earth. Our very own ‘home’, a place which is supposed to be the most beautiful dwelling place. But hark! Listen to its cry! A cry of urgency, to its inhabitants!
Dressed in Green she was, in the very beginning.
See her sad state now, all in tatters!
It’s never too late for our innings,
To get her back to her green glitter.
It’s YOU and it’s ME, who are to blame!
For putting the Earth to such shame.
One so serene, so enduring, so giving.
And we, so thoughtless, selfish, and consuming.
BUT it’s never too late to change.
The time is now, for the change.
Generating, Reinforcing, Encouraging, Engaging, Nurturing, Tree-by-Tree!
Hey earthlings, being connected with nature gives us a feeling of serenity. ‘The goal of life is, living in harmony with nature’, ‘When you are looking for peace, nature is always the answer’!
However much we talk about nature and about conserving it, it is never enough. It needs to be reiterated to ensure continual awareness, day in and day out and we need to action it. Do not cut trees, as they are our respiratory system. What we exhale, the trees inhale and what the trees exhale we inhale. This is a give and take bond, which sustains life. Why should we destroy our life sustainer? They cry out silently, pleading to be allowed to stand tall and in reciprocation we can breathe pure and clean air. Yes, Green is not just a color. It’s a lifestyle. The lush green lifestyle, a lifestyle adopted at our campus, by everyone alike. Nature provokes children into thinking, actioning, and formulating their own ideas. It’s to stay green and be nature friendly! An alluringly attractive and environmentally friendly campus that gels well with nature’s beauty. Think Green, Act Green and Feel the Freshness at our Royally Green Campus. When depicting nature, automatically it is related with the color ‘green’, representing the flora. Green it was before and green it should remain in the future, for that is the dream of our children to whom the future belongs.