Vision, Mission and Values
To create an open, collaborative, school community that fosters the growth of responsible, confident, productive, and critical thinkers who are interested in local and global issues and are able to respond to different challenges.

Provide a curriculum that is international in scope and structure but is rooted in tradition and values.
Raise a generation of students possessed with happy minds, positive attitudes, and compassionate hearts.
Enable the acquisition of entrepreneurial and / or workforce skills through the integration of ICT and real-world experience in the curriculum.
Prepare students for leadership, to accept responsibility for the care and protection of man and environment.
Articulate a truly cosmopolitan campus environment where students learn to accept and respect other cultures to promote a tolerant and harmonious world.
Recognize that each child is a gifted, accomplished individual who has the potential of pursuing excellence and achieving success in his / her own way and time.
Empower students with decision-making abilities and opportunities so that they may use their education for the advancement of mankind.