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The Mindset


We the superior living beings have a ‘Thinking Box’ safely secured in a protective case. It is in our jurisdiction to make it ‘Think’ the way we want it to. Use it well, use it carefully, use it to its full potential and you will no doubt have name and fame to your credit. Set your minds’ thoughts to wavelengths that challenge your mind. Your limitation is your mindset. Your mindset can change the whole perspective. It can either propel you forward, or it can halt you from moving forward.   

To begin with, try creating a positive mindset, one which will enable you to tackle whatever comes your way. There is no dearth of possibilities and opportunities in our daily lives, but it takes a positive mindset to harness these opportunities to make the best use of them. Being students of the modernday world, it is a competitive world, waiting for you, out there. We don’t know what the future holds for us but, you with your frame of mind, can definitely have an idea and a plan of how you would like it to be and work towards it, one day at a time.   

Tuning one’s mind to bringing it to terms with our ideology and managing it systematically with a plan will keep one on track. Then move ahead with a challenging mindset.  

Having a student portfolio, it is best to begin with a ‘can-do’ attitude. Remember, there is nothing impossible to a willful mind. The word ‘impossible’ itself has a ray of positivity in it, ‘I’m possible’! Your mind thinks for you. Be kind to your mind and feed it with the right kind of attitude. Thanks to Mr. Richard Fisher, founder of PUSH (Persevere Until Something Happens), who interacted with our students. The gist of his talk was ‘anything is possible’. Never let anyone convince you, brainwash you or inflict fear into your mind to think that something you wish to do is impossible! This puts you in the grip of uncertainty! There are times you will be required to rewind, unwind, or even fast forward, depending on the requirement of the situation.  Whatever it is, keep to the tenacity of having a positive mindset. The requirement of the future is not a ‘well-filled mind’ but a ‘well-formed mind’, a mind with the ability to think clearly, logically, and creatively. A positive attitude gives us power over our circumstances instead of our circumstances having power over us. Remember we are the superior living beings who have been endowed with the power to THINK! So, let us use this power in the right manner, create a positive mindset, for our benefit as well as for the benefit of all mankind.     

Half a glass of water – A person with a positive mindset sees the glass ‘half full’, whereas a negative mind sees the glass ‘half empty’!   

A white sheet of paper with a black dot in the center – The positive mind sees the white space all around, whereas the negative mind spots only the black dot!   

This is what we say, ‘It’s all in the mind!’ Never underestimate a person with a positive mindset! There is plenty that can be achieved. So, be mindful of your mind, and let positivity be the mastermind.  

Challenge your mindset and raise your bar of achievement.