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The ‘WHY’ that Arouses Curiosity & Empowers Learning


“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney 

As humans, we are all curious by birth. Our very nature compels us to reason out and make sense of our experiences and environment. This is quite evidently visible when we watch young children. Their excitement and curiosity as they discover new toys, flip through books, or try to figure out how the remote control works! However, after the first few years of life, the level of curiosity starts to dwindle. This is quite a natural phenomenon. To become lifelong learners and critical thinkers who add value to the world, one must cultivate and challenge the spirit of curiosity over time.

So, where do you stand? Are you a curious person? Curious about something? Then ask questions! Do you think curiosity is simply information seeking? No, no! It is delving into information to derive at a valid conclusion which makes sense. Questioning tactics instill love for learning. Students ask and answer to show understanding of key details of a lesson being taught. Question you must! To clarify, to verify, to fortify. Do not be just passive listeners, on the contrary be active inquirers. Curiosity gets the brain ready for learning.

This is where the question of the highest order, ‘Why’ takes over. Once curiosity has been piqued by the right question, better learning and remembering completely unrelated information will be triggered. The thirst for knowledge can never be quenched, as each new day unfurls new horizons with ample questioning opportunities. ‘Who’, ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘Where’ and ‘How’, have direct answers whereas the ’Why’ question provides answers of varied opinions. It is an open-ended question which sets off discussions due to differences of opinions, justifications for one’s answer to prove its authenticity, questioning, reasoning, analyzing, evaluating, creating which all add up to the Higher Order Thinking Skills.

When the ‘Why?’ is attempted, that is when the brain functions at a higher level. The antennae are alert, and the thought process is activated! Curiosity fuels intellectual achievement and it is associated with high academic performance. It has been noticed that, in many ways, curiosity has been the catalyst of innovation and curious people have an ongoing, intrinsic interest in their varied real-life experiences as well as the world around them.

Curious minds are considered as active minds and active minds become smart minds. This is the ultimate need of the future, in adapting to different environments and to a rapidly changing world. Curiosity cultivates interesting and creative environments for seeking out new experiences and exploring new ideas.

As mentors, facilitators, and role models, we can help in harnessing students’ curiosity by encouraging them to ask increasingly complex questions; to be resourceful and seek out answers to their questions. To enthuse and motivate them to seek answers outside of their comfort zone! The world is full of unknown possibilities, as well as questions to be asked and answered. The more curious one is, the more fully one can experience its wonder and complexity. So, WHY wait? Willfully Harness Yourself, with an open curious mind, unravel the curiosity of your thirsty mind and contribute to the world of future complexities.